Thursday, 5 May 2011


My main idea for this project was to focus on a form of exaggerated cyber-bullying advertisements, designed to give reason for its prevention as it is very viral part of many childhood lives and is involved in a number of suicides in young teens. I wanted to follow a similar basis of imaging as shown by the artists given (e.g. Jenny Holzer, Babera Kruger). My first idea for this was to create an image displaying a war between an army of robots and write a witty phrase that related it to cyber-bullying. As i am not a very creative lyricist or writer in that matter the wording was fairly illogical and considerably unrelated, i tried hard to consider differant forms of displaying the meaning via writing but stuggled so just stuck with this original text. I thorughly enjoyed fideling with levels on photoshop with this image to create that dark, gloomy and practically apocalyptic image. This first image was designed for older age groups (25 ^). This can be seen via is previosly discussed gloomy and gritty nature, though its concept is quite childish and unrealistic in nature it contains aspects of both dark and straight forward implications via use of the text 'destroy' and 'don't cyber bully'.  Due to the lack of visual aid in the displaying the purpose of the image the text was vital in its understanding.

  The second image I had made was designed for younger audiences (5-15).The reason for this poster being entirely visual is to speak with kids of a younger age as they are mostly influenced by images and action seen on T.V. I filled this image with a large array of vibrant colours surrounding the isolated child at the bottom of the page to give more influence tot the darkness that surrounds and envelops him. I found this piece to be the most visually relevant due to the lack of space cramped together with eyes and screaching expressions. This is the exact depictation of cyberbullying to me as it is impossible to escape from and is an extremely claustaphobic situation. I loved the aspect of vertical symmetry in this image, not so much in the way of even shapes upon both sides, but in the way that one side is depicting the emotional impact upon the victim and the other is displaying the perpetrators actions and expressions.

This image was designed for audiences more relative to the younge adult area (16-24). It was the most inspired by the artists given to us as examples within the email. I found these to be most inspirational within this image as the use of words to create direction and leading lines within the image are incredibly effective. This image was my favourite of the images that i created for this assignment as it was both text based and visual and both were perfectly balanced to diplay its ideas and meaning in a directly clear point of view. I also like the vibrance of the flame backed upon the text to give it somewhat more emphasis and against the thick tones of the textured backing gradient. I enjoyed creating this image via the mixture of a greylead and fineliner as it kept a clear crisp look while maintaining a thickly toned appearance.

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